Pam Stenzel
Pam LOVES THIS GENERATION! I love hearing about your SUCCESS and your STRUGGLE! I love the Ocean, A great BOOK, BASEBALL, FOOTBALL, and sometimes even Hockey :)!
Pam Stenzel Has spent her entire adult life working with women experiencing crisis pregnancies, advocating for LIFE and helping students make the best choice and save sex for marriage. Pam’s personal story, being conceived in rape and yet adopted and loved, gave her the passion to speak on the value of every human life as well as walk along side women in crisis and bring them help and hope. Pam’s life mission is to always point to the value of every single person, created in God’s image, with a plan and a purpose. Every person deserves the dignity and respect bestowed upon them by their Creator first, every life has value because we are all children of God.
After graduating from Liberty University with a degree in psychology, Pam began working with pregnancy help centers in the Minneapolis area, eventually becoming director of Alpha Women’s Center in Prior Lake, Minnesota. While working with Alpha Women’s Center, Pam became keenly aware that many young women were making decisions about sex, having no information about the consequences those choices would bring. She began speaking to teens in her own community, and eventually was asked to produce a video for use in churches. In 1996, along with Youth For Christ, Pam’s talk to teens “Sex Has A Price Tag” was released on VHS. This video is distributed worldwide and has been translated in 11 different languages.
Pam began speaking on sexual integrity to students, parents and educators full time and up until the pandemic was speaking LIVE to approximately 300,00 people per year around the world.
Currently, Pam Serves as the Client Services Director for Community Pregnancy Clinics operating 5 clinics and 2 mobile clinics across Southwest and Central Florida. (
Pam also serves on the board of Safe Haven Baby Boxes, and is the director of the National Safe Haven Crisis Hotline 1-866-99BABY1.
Pam serves on the national board of Infinite Worth, reaching out to women experiencing crisis pregnancies across the United States. HOME | Infinite Worth
Pam serves on the board of Personhood Alliance and Personhood Florida.
Pam has produced curriculum on sexual integrity for BrightCourse as well as training for pregnancy help centers on the same platform under “Bright Training”. She has trained staff and volunteers in pregnancy help centers across the country as well as helped raise money for these nonprofit centers.
Pam serves on the board of “Infinite Worth”, women in unexpected pregnancies need immediate information and support. Our 24-hour nurse chat-line provides love and truth in the moment they need it most. The connection created is transferred to our local partners to help them continue their decision for life in a supportive environment. HOME | Infinite Worth
Speaking Events and Topics
- Youth events – Sexual Integrity, making the best choice to save sex for marriage
- Pregnancy Resource Centers Fundraising events
- Pregnancy Resource Center Training events
- Women’s Conferences and Mother Daughter events
- Prolife Youth Leadership camps and conferences
- Prolife conferences, events: Statewide March for Life, 40 Days for Life, Men’s March
- Legislative Testimony
People are saying about Pam Stenzel
“In 27 years of education I have never heard a more clear and direct message to young people. Pam effectively delivered a very important and powerful message to our young people.”
“I got tears in my eyes when you told me and the others who chose to abstain that you thought we had character and you were proud. No one has ever told me that before.”
“Pam Stenzel is a dynamic speaker whose message is one that saves young people from a lifetime of tragic consequences. Pam believes in young people’s ability and willingness to make good choices, if given appropriate information, and are really challenged to save sex for marriage.”
Dan Ziedler, President, Family Life Council, Inc.
“Pam connects and is a powerful voice on the side of responsibility and morality in a culture war that offers kids all too many voices on the other side. She delivers a shocking message to kids – you are not out of control sex maniacs. Waiting has some nice rewards, and avoids some terrible price tags.”
Sean Hannity Radio & TV Host
Fox News, WABC Radio
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