Heather Ruesch
A respected speaker and advocate for life-issues, abstinence, marriage education and family values, Heather’s enthusiastic approach, knowledge, and humor make her a relatable and respected leader in Youth & Family Enrichment.
Phone: 303-888-6876
Email: hlruesch@gmail.com
Heather Ruesch is a Christian Singer, Songwriter, and Speaker who combines her life-long love of music and singing with her passion for sharing God’s value of every human life. She’s real. Down-to-earth… and digs deep as she engages her audiences in an interactive, fun, and relatable way.
In 2009, Heather released her first studio album, Wounded Healer, which allowed her to use music to communicate the forgiveness and love shown in Christ throughout her life. She spent two years serving as the Executive Director of a crisis pregnancy center in central Wisconsin and has training and vast experience as an abstinence speaker and communicator. Her passion for life issues comes from her own experience with an unplanned pregnancy. Through both her speaking and singing, Heather’s goal is to share God’s love and intentional purpose for every one of our lives.
Heather is the married mother of three children and is originally from northern Wisconsin. She grew up in the hospitality industry, learning the awesome joy of serving others, and she brings that joy into her speaking and performing.
See more at: www.heatherruesch.com or on Facebook at HeatherRueschMusic
A Word of Encouragement
“The music and lyrics of Heather Ruesch reflect more than talent and skill, of which there is plenty. They also reflect an empathy with the hearer. She sings as one who understands the need to be still and hear God’s voice, one who understands what it means to be wounded and what it means to be healed. Her music expresses the wounded nature of humanity because of sin and the mercy of the Wounded Healer, Jesus Christ. Her music moves us all to be wounded healers ourselves. The world certainly needs more of those!”
Dr. James Lamb, Executive Director, Lutherans For Life
“It has been my good fortune to begin working with Heather on her new material. She is a powerful and talented singer with a real heart for God. She is also a songwriter whose work reflects a REAL person’s struggles and joy. You will find her message, musically and otherwise, to be spiritually and musically satisfying, as I do.”
Ken Medema, Christian Performer/Composer
“We’ve worked very hard on this year’s banquet and were delighted to have Heather as our keynote speaker. We are a small pregnancy center, in a rural community, and with just over 200 people in attendance, we raised $64,000! Heather’s message, “Is There Not A Cause” was so powerful and impacted every person powerfully that night. People are still talking about it months later! God has surely blessed our ministry with much needed financial provision and has dually blessed us with the music and speaking ministry of Heather Ruesch.”
Connie Riplinger, Executive Director Pregnancy Help Center, Rice Lake, WI
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