Joe Malone PhD, SRAS, CPT, LWMC, CFE
Dr. Joe Malone who holds a PhD in Health and Human Performance, with a minor in Neuropsychology, and a specialization in Women’s Health and Sexual Wellness taught for many years at Middle Tennessee State University and has guest lectured at Vanderbilt, Princeton, University of Miami, Florida Atlantic University, University of Alabama, and Catholic University of America as well as other major universities.
Dr. Joe Malone who holds a PhD in Health and Human Performance, with a minor in Neuropsychology, and a specialization in Women’s Health and Sexual Wellness taught for many years at Middle Tennessee State University and has guest lectured at Vanderbilt, Princeton, University of Miami, Florida Atlantic University, University of Alabama, and Catholic University of America as well as other major universities. He lectures every semester at Liberty University on sexual wellness in their health program. Dr. Joe has also spoken across the US at pro-life conferences, pregnancy resource centers, and SRA events. He taught classes at MTSU that ranged from Health and Wellness to Fitness Education for the Adult. Dr. Joe created a new course in 2012 called Women’s Personal Conditioning along with a sorority wellness program in which he not only taught standard wellness but also the biologically-based importance of sexual integrity as foundational to wellness. Dr. Malone is becoming known as The Sexual Integrity Scientist. He was named Greek Faculty Member of the year in 2010 and 2016 for his wellness work with sororities. Additionally, Dr. Malone has worked with fraternities to promote greater sexual integrity among the young men.
Dr. Malone’s writing has been published in Heartbeat International’s Sexual Integrity Communiqué, Faith and Fitness Magazine, the Institute for Family Studies, Natural Womanhood, Live Free Ministries, and Christian Health Magazine. Malone has also earned national certifications as a Sexual Risk Avoidance Specialist, Personal Trainer, Lifestyle and Weight Management Consultant, and Fitness Educator. He is the former Chair of the Nashville Community Health and Wellness Team and the current Topic Network Chair for Health Promotion for the Society for the Study of Emerging Adulthood
Dr. Malone served on the CDC initiative for STI prevention for the state of Tennessee. He has been happily married to his wife Jody for over 40 years. Dr. Malone is co-author of Battles of the Sexes and author of the new pregnancy care center resource book Women’s Sexual Wellness: and cofounder with Jody of the sexual integrity and intelligence initiative ROMANCE REVOLT. They live in Nashville Tennessee near their children and grandchildren.
People are saying about Joe Malone
“You gave an incredible talk on biology and sexual integrity at the University of Miami, truly unforgettable!”
Darlene LeSage
“Thank you for your generosity towards all of our students this week. I have heard nothing but great things about your talk, and it is clear that it was very well received”.
Daniel Simmons, University of Alabama
“Thank you for all the time and effort you put into the talk. You have helped impart so much wisdom on the students here. Thank you.”
The Sea Island FOCUS Team
“I was in your in-depth day at th Heartbeat International conference. I know I told you in person, but I just loved that day. It was my favorite of the conference. Thank you so much for all of the education!”
Zoe Care Pregnancy Help Center
“Trememdous job! I am excited to witness the fruit of your presentation will be in our community.”
Sheri Olsen, Director
Path of Life Relationship Resource Center
“We are so grateful for the information God placed on your heart to share. We are excited to bring what you taught us into the counseling room.”
Emily Fish
A Woman’s Place Pregnancy Help Center