Who We Are

Enlighten Communications, Inc is a 501(c) 3 not for profit organization whose goal is to provide a structured abstinence education that empowers adolescents to create a new healthy perspective of at-risk behavior.

Enlighten Communications provides resources, healthy programs and perspectives regarding teen pregnancy, and sexually transmitted diseases while promoting a clear message of abstinence until marriage.

Enlighten Communications along with Pam Stenzel have initiated programs and activities that continue to change the way our society views character issues pertaining to at-risk behavior. The United States and countries abroad have embraced our healthy perspective program initiatives that include the sale and distribution of educational resources, Internet resources, speaking engagements for youth, seminars for parents and educators and accredited medical seminars.

Enlighten Communications main objectives in the following areas have been accomplished since 2001.

  • Delay sexual onset
  • Decrease the number of teen pregnancies
  • Abate additional sexually risky behavior
  • Increase the number of adolescents who remain sexually abstinent until marriage·

Contact Us

Enlighten Communications
PO Box 2154
Parker CO 80134

303-888-6876 (P)



About Us

Enlighten Communications, Inc is a 501(c) 3 not for profit organization whose goal is to provide a structured sexual integrity education that empowers adolescents to create a new healthy perspective of at-risk behavior.


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